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Saturday, September 29, 2018

WATCH: CNN's Tapper Argues There's 'No Contemporaneous Corroborating Evidence For Any Of The Charges' Against Kavanaugh

On Thursday morning, CNN’s Jake Tapper, speaking with colleague Wolf Blitzer, frankly stated that despite all the furious allegations hurled at Judge Brett Kavanaugh, there are “no contemporaneous corroborating evidence for any of the charges” against Kavanaugh.

Tapper began by reminiscing about the confirmation of Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991. He stated:

We all remember where we were during Clarence Thomas. I mean I have vivid memories, I think I was 22 years old, of "high tech lynching of an uppity black man," of Professor Hill’s charges, of Arlen Specter, the late senator from Pennsylvania, attacking Ted Kennedy, the late senator from Massachusetts, saying, "The women from America don’t need to hear Ted Kennedy when it comes to women.”


1 comment:

  1. There is no corroborating evidence because Ford gave nothing provable. This was a purposeful and a calculation on her part because to put it bluntly she is a liar. There isn't an intelligent person alive who can say she doesn't have issues but Judge Brett Kavanaugh isn't one of them.
    It seems to be more along the line that she was either a full blown alcoholic or borderline when in high school and was most likely promiscuous. Personally she still looks and sounds like she may still be facing problems with over consumption of alcohol. She was probably the one who was experiencing black outs during her high school years.
    These issues she has would compel her to seek attention and could be why she is falsely accusing Judge Kavanaugh.


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