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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

WaPo Fact Checker: Dem Congressional Candidate's Ad 'Stretches His Résumé to Elastic Extremes'

The Washington Post face checker determined an ad released by Democratic congressional candidate Andy Kim exaggerates his prior work experience in the administration of former President George W. Bush.

"We don’t question Kim’s expertise on national security, but his ad stretches his résumé to elastic extremes by claiming he was a national security officer for a Republican president," Salvador Rizzo writes.

Kim is running in a competitive race in New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, a district President Barack Obama won twice but that flipped to President Donald Trump in 2016. Kim’s campaign released an ad that references his work as "a national security officer for Republican and Democratic presidents."

Kim’s claim to have worked in high-ranking national security jobs in the Obama administration is accurate. He joined the Obama administration as an Iraq expert in 2009. In 2011, he spent several months in Afghanistan advising Gen. David Petraeus and later Gen. John Allen. He also served as Iraq director on Obama’s National Security Council for two years.


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