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Monday, September 17, 2018

VIDEO: Weather man accused of dramatizing live report spurs parody videos


  1. As I have said once, and I will say it again, Everything in entertainment, even on the low level of news media are clowns and are lying to you all, to the point in which you will never know again what is real or fake... A lot of speculated they are doing this to try to stop or demonize the ones who are putting out the facts and truths, but will be demonized and thought of as fake... becasue you people seem not to give a shit and will listen and do what ever a politician or new media tells you...

    It is funny that if you just even used your brain a little you can see the inconsistencies with these lying ass hats...

  2. So now we learn to walk on the road and not the lawn. Wasn't this cat taught to keep off grass when being raised. Or was he ingesting grass?

  3. All the Weather men / ladies need to find something New to do ....Every time a storm comes !!!

    It's Silly and Has Been / Done That / every time a storm comes .....they want to stand In it, In the Wind /Rain
    like a Rag Doll in front of the cameras, trying to get
    more Browny points & celebrity dreams !!!

    These Over paid sissys are hardly proving anything
    They are Hardley the outdoors type with their Office Jobs !!

  4. Great,Now we have FAKE WEATHER to go along with FAKE NEWS !!

    Tell trump !!!!!

  5. He was walking on the grass and they were on concrete? Way to go Weather channel. Try again. You are good for a laugh though.


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