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Thursday, September 20, 2018

VIDEO: Teens Allegedly Attack Georgia School Bus Driver

Two Georgia high school students are facing charges after they allegedly attacked a Georgia school bus driver on Friday, according to several viral videos posted on Instagram.

Authorities charged one teenage girl Friday with aggravated assault and carrying a weapon on campus, and then arrested her on Monday for trespassing because she returned to her high school without permission.

The other teenage girl involved also faces the same charges, but remains at large, investigators said.



  1. Black on white crime. What a surprise!

  2. Are they black?? Of course they are. ANIMALS. But the BOE will be out asking for more money. FOR THE CHILDREN. YOU MEAN FOR THE ANIMALS.

  3. Speaking of the Board of Education, I was at the County Council Forum held by the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce today and Bill McCain was playing their tune. I've been told that Bill McCain, Josh Hastings and the Democrats have been getting the questions in advance.

    You can tell that Bill Chambers, Mike Dunn and Donna Hanlin made up the questions because it was all about repealing the revenue cap and fully funding Donna Hanlin's BOE Budget. I will not be renewing my membership!


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