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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

UC Berkeley Offers Class on 'Deconstructing Whiteness'

The University of California, Berkeley, is offering a course entitled “Deconstructing Whiteness” this semester on campus.

The course, which was first reported on by Campus Reform, will focus on the negative aspects of “whiteness” and the responsibility of white people to take stands against white supremacy movements. The course will also address concepts like “environmental racism,” gentrified food practices, and “white comfort/coddling.”

This decal aims to confront uncomfortable conversations about privilege and positionality to understand where white bodies have the responsibility to be in movements against white supremacy and in solidarity with marginalized peoples and groups of color. This class will not be to coddle white fragility, but to deconstruct and relearn whiteness through case studies, speakers, and intense, critical readings.

The course is part of a larger slate of courses that seeks to break down various social ills. Other courses on the slate include “Palestine: A Settler-Colonial Analysis,” and “Decolonizing Methods in Academic Research.”

Much of the course, particularly the Decolonizing Methods workshop series, will situate research historically as a site of violence and trauma against marginalized communities—much of which will include racial and sexual violence,” the disclaimer states. “In order to prevent additional trauma, you are excused from this class or section of this class. If you feel comfortable doing so, please email or speak to me privately if you need to be accommodated in any way.



  1. If your stupid kids are taking this class they don't deserve to be in college. You just wasted your money.

  2. I thought we got past discrimination back in the 60's.

    Guess not.

    Time for more riots.

    1. Obama and the socialist Dems brought it Back paid for by George Soros.

  3. That's for the morning smile. You can't make this stuff up!

  4. That's called education?

  5. It's a scam.

    10 years from now they'll offer "Reconstructing Whiteness".

  6. Keep up this kind of B.S. crap they're liable to find out just how nasty "whitey" can really be.

  7. 9:45....just a matter of time brother! They know exactly what they are doing.

  8. 9:45 its whitey behind it. Most of the time when you see protesters and white shaming. Its the white liberals idiots behind it. More for race division. They dont want everybody getting along. They want division. Divide and conquer. they are Communists they hate us all white and black alike. Remember Charles Manson and his agenda of Helter skelter?


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