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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Trump Wants Woman Accusing Kavanaugh To Testify

Joining the chorus of opinions over the biggest drama in Washington, President Trump said he wants to hear from the woman who accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, saying it would be "unfortunate" if she doesn’t testify before a Senate committee.

"If she doesn’t show up, that would be unfortunate," Trump told reporters Wednesday as he left the White House to view hurricane damage in North Carolina. "If she shows up and makes a credible showing, that would be very interesting."



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  2. (((They))) are behind this. You know who. (*Soros*?) Why the secrecy surrounding ?

  3. How can she testify when she doesn't remember what didn't happen. Bet she remembers the money thrown her way by the nut jobs.

  4. It is the accuser (and her husband) that were having behavioral problems and it was the fantasy she allowed to be created in her mind that is the basis for her claims. Most, including her, can't seem to remember any of the details and no law seems to be broken. Why are grown ups wasting their time with this?


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