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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Trump Quotes Judicial Watch: No FISA Hearings on Page Warrants

President Donald Trump, in a pair of tweets Saturday, attacked FBI and Department of Justice officials about the surveillance warrants issued on his former campaign aide, Carter Page.

"There were no FISA hearings held over Spy documents," he said in the first tweet, moving on to quote Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton: "'It is astonishing that the FISA courts couldn’t hold hearings on Spy Warrants targeting Donald Trump. It isn’t about Carter Page, it’s about the Trump Campaign. You’ve got corruption at the DOJ & FBI. The leadership.......of the DOJ & FBI are completely out to lunch in terms of exposing and holding those accountable who are responsible for that corruption.'"

The Fitton comments came from a Judicial Watch report that said a court overseeing Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) requests had had no hearings concerning applications about Page.

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