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Monday, September 10, 2018

Trump Holds the Cards

You have to know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em.

At long last, Special Counsel Mueller blinked. He sent a letter to President Trump’s lawyers this week saying that yes, he would accept written answers to certain questions that he wants to ask the President. The Trump legal team has been coy, but they must know that the game is about over.

Mueller tacitly admitted what Trump and his legal team already knew. He has been bluffing.

He has (at best) a pair of deuces while Mueller knows that the President is sitting with a full house. Sooner or later, they have to lay down their cards. Pretending and playing Go Fish may work in a friendly game with your buddies in the biased media. It doesn’t work in a high stakes game on the Trump Poker Tour.

The Go Fishing expedition has produced nothing linking Team Trump and Russian Collusion. Because there was never anything there to find. It is mind bending to see the extraordinary lengths that the Mueller band of partisans have gone to in their quest to find a crime, any crime that they could pin on our duly elected President.

Granted, not reporting income or paying your taxes are serious offenses. But, charging a distinguished military leader with lying to the FBI even when the very people who conducted the interviews believed that he told the truth? Breaking into domiciles with loaded guns in the middle of the night, ransacking homes and offices, bringing charges, some of which were previously deemed unworthy of prosecution by the Justice Department. None of which involve supposed Russian Collusion. Trampling on the attorney-client privilege? Getting Trump’s attorney to plead guilty to a campaign finance charge that may not even be a real crime?


1 comment:

  1. Trump is the new Teflon Don, he will prevail!


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