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Friday, September 21, 2018

Tonight At Trader Lee's

Service with a smile!! Rita will be bartending tonight (and every Friday) @ Trader Lee's, stop by and say hello! It’ll be a fun night with music by The Swell Fellas, and The Rouge Citizens


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh la la rita is sexy!!!

  3. Rita will be tending bar (Yippee) but she will not be "bartending" as there is no such word. Yeah, we all say that, including me, but it's just not right.

  4. Lovely Rita not a meter maid.

  5. OMG! Beautiful eyes and smile. The 2 things I notice first, no, seriously.
    She looks like a cross between Kimberly Guilfoil (the Five) and Ainsley Aerhardt on fox an friends.
    I'm definitely stopping by for a round or two.

  6. Wow! Maybe i should visit!

  7. Be sure to leave good tips, boys!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Rita will be tending bar (Yippee) but she will not be "bartending" as there is no such word. Yeah, we all say that, including me, but it's just not right.

    September 21, 2018 at 4:17 PM

    For a word that isn't a word there sure are a lot of articles on the web that use it. I think that alone would make your claim moot.

  9. ROUGE?? What does that mean? Do they all wear rouge on there face? Try ROGUE instead! HAHAHA!

  10. Someone watched too many episodes of " Bar Rescue "

  11. Talk about not being laid in a while. Bunch of just released inmates. She won't be there long. No money

  12. so, is it the rouge citizens, really?
    perhaps is it the rogue citizens?

    Don't know the difference, tfd.com.

  13. Geez, I just realized that when I wrote my 8:28 comment about the "rouge" misspelling I spelled "there" instead of THEIR, I guess I'm not as smart as I think I am....oh well, at least I ain't no dumbass liberal!


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