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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Tiny U.S. Island is Drowning. Residents Deny the Reason

Few of us could find Tangier Island on a map. A tiny sliver of mud and marsh grass in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay, it is one of the most isolated communities in America. But many of us, if we are lucky, will have tasted its most famous product, soft shell crab, a delicacy that has made the island famous worldwide. But as Earl Swift explains in his new book, Chesapeake Requiem, the future for the island, and numerous other low-lying communities across the world, is not looking bright, as a result of rising seas due to climate change.

When National Geographic caught up with the author at his home in Charlottesville, Virginia, he explained how religion is a source of succor for the islanders, why, though their island is disappearing under their noses, they voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, and how they then found themselves in the vortex of a media storm.

You say Tangier Island is “a community unlike any in America.” Put it on the map for us; explain what is so special about it.



  1. Tangier has been losing land since the 1800s. Blaming humans for climate change, when every other occurrence of climate change happened naturally, is a bit odd.

    1. Humans are responsible for accelerated climate change. As in, we are heating the earth up at a rate much faster than is natural

  2. After reading the article, it is apparent that he just doesn't understand that the good folk of the island don't believe in the global warning hoax.

  3. It’s called erosion the residents will tell you that

  4. tangier, smith, Deal, and lower Hoopers islands will be uninhabitable in 50-100 years. It's real and these islanders can stick their heads in the sand and shout erosion all they want but science is fact. It's going to be a sad sad tale.

  5. I no longer subscribe to National Geographic because of its leftist stance regarding "man-made" climate change.

  6. i call bs! the dutch, chinese, japanese, and even new orleans have all claimed back land from the ocean or built communities from areas below sea level!
    What the hell do they teach these global warming morons in school?
    Raising complete idiots! mammy and daddy must be so proud!

  7. The people of Tangier are too smart to fall for the man made climate change crap.They have first hand knowledge of the situation not 2 college degrees and a grant from the govt that will be taken away if you tell the truth.

  8. Climates change in cycles. They have for thousands or more years. Seasons have never remained the same from year to year. The argument is what causes it. Try getting China and Russia to clean up their pollution before forcing more costly regs on Americans.

  9. Well said 6:53.....I guess Holland Island was abandoned in the early part of the last century because of Global warming too, right? These idiots need to realize that storms and erosion has been happening since the beginning of time. It's not Global warming !

  10. There is fossilized evidence that proves the Sahara was once covered by a vast sea. I wonder if these liberal geniuses think that Obama and the U.N. could have prevented it from becoming a desert?

    Progressives are not really the party of science they pretend to be. They cherry pick the bits of science that suit their agenda.

  11. The Chesapeake Bay watershed was formed by global warming thousands of years ago.

  12. Environmental groups need someone to blame to keep the coffers full of taxpayer monies so they can pay themselves huge salaries. It's never been about saving the planet.

  13. Are they also saying that the Grand Canyon was created due to climate change.
    EROSION - def: the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents
    I've lived on the water my whole life and the tide still hits the bulkhead at the same point. Hasn't changed except in extreme weather or tides.

  14. Look at all the money spent just north in the bay on popular island...it can be done...and for people too,not just birds...

  15. All of these island can be saved, its called building bulk heads of rock and shells! The Army Corp of Engineers knows exactly what is needed! The same as replenishing beach sand in Ocean City or on Assateague Island.

  16. Even the mayor of Tangier Island says the sea level is the same as it was when he was a child. It's called erosion. When will people get a brain?

  17. Has anyone heard the statement that the sea level rise on the East coast is double that of the rest of the globe? How in the hell do they think that the sea level is higher here than anywhere else in the World? You have to be an idiot to believe this. Sea level is sea level, everywhere on Earth. Must be related to the idiot who said that he was afraid that the island of Guam would flip over if the inhabitants all went to one end of the island.

  18. @September 10, 2018 @ 7:46 AM. Then how do you explain that the residents of Tangier say the sea level is the same as it was when they were children? You're the one with your head in the sand. And also here in Salisbury, the river at high tide is the same as it was when I was child. That's all the proof anyone would need. Labeled your self, owned.


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