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Sunday, September 09, 2018

This Can't Be Healthy For Anyone Attending Folked Festival

The sod is just plain muddy mixed with old poop. There's no way it's going to be suitable next week.


  1. Looks like they set out the poo poo platter for the tourists!

  2. Instead of those anti-chicken morons demanding the EPA do air quality test around chicken houses maybe we should demand that the EPA does air-quality test or downtown Salisbury.

  3. They will power wash it right into the water so the shitsprayer can aerate it for the community to ingest..

  4. On a side note, did you see that the city finally re-fixed their pavement patch in the intersection by the library and the parking garage??? On;y took them 3 or 4 months... Maybe they only fixed it becasue of the festival... I doubt it would have been fixed other than that...

    Salisbury reminds me like Ukraine or where ever they had the Olympics, and they slapped lipstick on a pig to make things look good but fell apart once you used them...

  5. Jake Days river bidet.

  6. 8:30am, and where do you think they found all this money from? Amazing, how none of this could be done until now.

  7. Canadian geese have become a nuisance, not only for municipalities, businesses, but even for individual citizens on private property. It is going to take a planned, concerted effort from all parties to remediate and eradicate the problem that has been and continues to be created by enormous numbers of these birds.

  8. I's like they are running around like a chicken with its head cut off and half a$$ing everything they do. Goose poop everywhere, looks real nice guys! Visitors will be so pleased!!

  9. will this be BYOC event? Bring your own chair, or is it under the impression that you will sit on the ledge of each row of bricks?

  10. 8:50- Agreed! Isn't it so sad that all this cash is being spent for tourists, but Salisbuy citizens are not only paying for it, but not benefitting from it. With all the money spent, how much is needed to turn a profit and not a huge loss, which it is expected to be?

  11. The nasty water the sprinkler is splashing around is from the nasty river we have complained about for years. It was the wrong site for the festival it is not the fault of the Canadian Geese but the mayor and the planners for this event, poor planning and could not have picked a worse sight we all said it 6 mos ago. They will have a dead animals and dead fish floating by, slimy green water, agae everywhere , no fence to prevent accidents and no real place to sit in comfort. And they come up with terrible landscaping, scruffy bushes, hugh metal letters that I guess are to take away a view of the traffic. What have these planners tried to do you knew it was not the Inner Harbor and no matter how much lipstick you put on it it's down right ugly and unserviceable.

    1. Wait till People start getting sick PRMC is gonna be busy.

  12. 2 words to fix the problem: Labrador Retrievers
    they will keep the geese off of there.

  13. 3 days until the Festival, there's no way to clean up this or the whole downtown mess in that short time.

    1. 3 days of robbing dumbass Snowflakes LET them do it we should welcome the Thugs and Homeless beggers.

  14. Well ? We expected a shit show .

  15. It's a National Folk Festival, whole lot of rednecks partying together...a little shit won't be a show stopper after all we read your blog where you swim in it up to your neck! Ha Ha Ha Thanks for posting pics!!!!


  16. Joe
    Get someone to get a water test kit at Ace and post the results ).

  17. Joe you have to get undercover video of this Shit event .

  18. File a formal complaint with the County and State Health Depts

  19. Exactly what this town is LIBERAL SHITHOLE and the Civil war can't come soon enough.

  20. haha, Joe.... They must have read your post because they were out there hosing it off not long ago.

  21. Like I have always said, Salisbury is a shitty place to live, and here is more proof!

  22. 10:21 AM are you disabled? Do it yourself? Lazy.

  23. Wonder if Jakey will end up behind bars when someone does an official audit after all this mess is over?

  24. Joe have you seen the venue participants ? ALL Snowflakes.

  25. Where is the great philanthropist Palmer Gillis for this? As much as he claims he donates, they should have no problem with money. He also has tons of employees, why isn’t he donating their time? Seems like the perfect liberal event for him to support.

    1. He likes to Horder $$$$$ unless it's a 5 course ritzy meal served waterfront and bash more than 50% of the population and trust me it's increasing every day bc of how DemocRATS are acting as the New communist Party NCP

  26. Why is so much work being done this week? Are they hoping enough money comes in over the weekend to pay for it? It all seems very suspicious to me.

  27. There's gonna be a whole lotta sawdust laid down for this event.

  28. 3:24 PM Most other festivals use straw

  29. Palmer Gillis is too busy complaining about MAGA flags on OTHER PEOPLES boats to care about Salisbury.

  30. Everyone is coming up with the problem .now we need answers to fix it

  31. Was at city park this weekend...wait until the FOLKS of the festival wander over there and see the trash all over the banks and in the water. It's disgusting... oh and while I was there with my son for 4hrs I NEVER saw a single police cruiser foot patrol or bike patrol... gee think the force can man 60,000 visitors and our local criminals too.

    1. Oh the cops are there you just don't see them.

  32. 50 buck says someone will fall in the river first night.

  33. 6:06 PM yes they cut down the banks and left all the debris in the water. Trees, limbs, brush and the banks are all brown.

    Someone did a crap job on that. Its awful. Glad to see others recognizing this.

  34. So people come out in defense of resident geese when they are "euthanized", and the same ones complain about all the goose poop from resident geese. No solutions, just complaints. I guess some people just like complaining.

  35. Like someone who was high up in the city told me, "Those people are not going to hurt themselves doing anything."

  36. Reading Jake's Facebook posts I think the bull$#!+ is deeper than the goose $#!+

  37. Looks like trump voters showed up early to the festival! Laying around being useless, stinking up the place!


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