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Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Heck With You, Harvard: All-Male Student Social Club Decides Not To Allow Females After All

An all-male so-called “final club” at Harvard College has decided not to allow female undergraduates to join, reversing a decision to let females in and thus escape penalties Harvard is threatening.

The Fox Club is one of several private social clubs associate with the school that historically allowed in only male undergraduates. But Harvard is cracking down on single-sex organizations, threatening their members with sanctions such as not being able to serve as captain of an undergraduate sports team and not being eligible to get an endorsement from the school to apply for a Rhodes scholarship.



  1. Good.. It’s time for somebody to push back against this assault on our freedoms .

  2. Yawn....folks need to focus on the 1 TRILLION dollar debt with college loans or a vast majority of college grads without jobs (yes many are living off mom/dad - but not ALL) rather than a high profile school including everyone in their clubs.

    Sorry, debt is more important since that impacts our future, those who could be our future leaders, those who will be taking care of us in the future! I'd prefer the person who can cure cancer have a chance to do that, than someone who has played wargames on the computer all their lives be the leader of the free world!

  3. I agree that they should not have to allow women, let the girls make their own club, nothing wrong with that.... I think they need to have a place where they can be themselves. I am a mom with boys and I know that it is totally normal. Some woman seem to always have their panties in a bunch, Sheesh!

  4. What's the definition of sorority? 'Nuf said.

  5. BINGO 140..B I N G O!


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