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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Term Limits


  1. Well, this pretty well sums it up. I watched the exchange and it appeared that Booker was more interested in the theatrics; perhaps he should audition for a part in "Hamilton". He embarrassed himself as did Kamala Harris with her brow beating prosecutorial cross examination of Kavanaugh. People should realize that this is all a game and that the judiciary committee members on the left are only interested (at the direction of Schumer et al) in keeping a conservative justice off the bench.

  2. Psst - I'm all for term limits! It'll keep the riff raff from staking claim in Congress for decades!

    Fresh/new ideas is whats needed. Then if we don't like it, at least they won't stay entrenched for years and years!

  3. The one messed up eye is correct
    PS why isn't Keith Ellison being dragged in front of Congress ????

  4. I also am for term limits. WE the people can see to it that they are imposed. After all, WE have the power to do so. And can with our Presidents Trump's help.


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