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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

End-Times Persecution? World's Largest Country Is Destroying 1000s Of Crosses And Bibles

Many Christians in the western world don’t even realize that the persecution of the end times has already started. All over the world, Christians are being attacked, Bibles are being burned and churches are being shut down. This persecution has been escalating for quite some time, but what prompted me to write this article today was the dramatic change that we have witnessed in China this year. Up to this point, the Chinese government has largely tolerated the booming house church movement, but now that era of toleration is officially over. New religious regulations that went into effect in February are being brutally enforced, and this is causing some to point out the frightening parallels between Communist China and Nazi Germany.

According to Fox News, during this new crackdown Chinese government officials have been “destroying crosses, burning bibles, closing churches and forcing Christian believers to sign papers renouncing their faith”…

The Chinese government is destroying crosses, burning bibles, closing churches and forcing Christian believers to sign papers renouncing their faith as the crackdown on religious congregations in Beijing and several provinces intensifies.

The suppression of religious freedoms is part of an official campaign to “Sinicize” religion by demanding loyalty to the atheist Communist party and removing any potential challenge to the party’s power in the country.

Doesn’t that sound quite similar to Nazi Germany and other tyrannical regimes?

If Christians refuse to sign these papers, they could lose their jobs or be cut off from all government benefits.

So let us pray for strength for our brothers and sisters in China, because many of them will be confronted with some very hard choices.

According to the Express, authorities have also “raided Christian homes to remove religious symbols, arrested church members and seized churches”. In Henan province alone, more than 7,000 crosses have been destroyed, but other than Fox News most of the mainstream media outlets in the United States have been completely silent about this very important story.

You can see some footage of Bibles being burned in China on Twitter right here. This is evil on a level that is hard to describe, and it seems to be getting worse with each passing month.

Earlier this month, one pastor was heartbroken after authorities burned crosses, Bibles and furniture after a raid on his church…



  1. This could happen here when the New National Socialists take over after Trump.

  2. Good. Religion was invented thousands of years ago as a way for those in power to keep the commoners in check.

  3. Sounds like Democrats to me.

  4. You can deny the truth all you want 5:57, but do you really think all you see hear feel touch "just happened". Our lives are gifts from God its your choice if you want to be ungrateful for yours.

  5. You guys are so confused with your confirmation bias and persecution complex.

    It's NOT just your holy stuff. They are doing this to ALL religious holy books and iconography. Get over yourselves.

    NO this is not ok... this is what oppressive communism looks like, if fact this is abhorrent. Yes, it is persecution and oppression, in China, of EVERY religion. You aren't special.

    Just stop it with your "end times" fantasies and hysterics. Ya'll have been doing it for as long as the myth has been penned, and it's so tired.

    You wanna know what persecution is like in America? Don't ask a Christian here, cause they have no idea what American persecution is. You need to ask a Muslim or an Atheist what it's like to live in America. Then you just MIGHT, have a little bit of perspective.

  6. 7:21. No. It didn’t “just happen”. There was a lot of chemistry, physics and biology involved over billions of years. It really is a more interesting story than the one about some all powerful being who just appeared out of nowhere and decided to create heaven and earth and all living creatures in just 6 days.

  7. According to Fox News, during this new crackdown Chinese government officials have been “destroying crosses, burning bibles, closing churches and forcing Christian believers to sign papers renouncing their faith”…


    This is enough to cut all ties with Socialist China!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Good. Religion was invented thousands of years ago as a way for those in power to keep the commoners in check.

    September 19, 2018 at 5:57 AM

    This country's foundations are based on Religion. If you don't like it then I suggest you move to Communist/Socialist China! F'n Libtard!

  9. Anonymous said...
    You guys are so confused with your confirmation bias and persecution complex.

    It's NOT just your holy stuff. They are doing this to ALL religious holy books and iconography. Get over yourselves.

    NO this is not ok... this is what oppressive communism looks like, if fact this is abhorrent. Yes, it is persecution and oppression, in China, of EVERY religion. You aren't special.

    Just stop it with your "end times" fantasies and hysterics. Ya'll have been doing it for as long as the myth has been penned, and it's so tired.

    You wanna know what persecution is like in America? Don't ask a Christian here, cause they have no idea what American persecution is. You need to ask a Muslim or an Atheist what it's like to live in America. Then you just MIGHT, have a little bit of perspective.

    September 19, 2018 at 8:41 AM

    No, you are the one that is confused you Socialist Douche Bag!

    This country's foundations are based on Religion. If you don't like it then I suggest you move to Communist/Socialist China! F'n Libtard!


  10. Anonymous said...
    7:21. No. It didn’t “just happen”. There was a lot of chemistry, physics and biology involved over billions of years. It really is a more interesting story than the one about some all powerful being who just appeared out of nowhere and decided to create heaven and earth and all living creatures in just 6 days.

    September 19, 2018 at 12:13 PM

    "There was a lot of chemistry, physics and biology involved over billions of years."

    So you are saying that someone was in a lab and created man? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I bet you voted for Obama didn't you!

    Why don't you move to Socialist China!

  11. Illustrate one shred of proof God exists. That said, Communists suck and are our enemy.

  12. @5:08 PM.

    Actually, as it were, to clear up your "confusion":

    America was not founded on Religion. It is and always has been a Secular Republic founded on Religious Freedom for everyone, of every faith, or of no faith.

  13. @5:08 PM.

    Actually, as it were, to clear up your "confusion":

    America was not founded on Religion. It is and always has been a Secular Republic founded on Religious Freedom for everyone, of every faith, or of no faith.


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