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Sunday, September 09, 2018


The Town Commissioners have approved the use of the Automated Speed Enforcement System, also known as the “speed camera” program to enhance the safety within the PITTSVILLE School Zone. The speed cameras will be set up within the school monitoring zone and will be activated by the speed of the vehicle IF 12 miles over the posted speed limit zone. Law abiding citizens will not be affected by this type of enforcement since it is only activated by vehicles passing the camera at an excessive rate of speed.

Notification of those areas to be affected will be posted on the Town’s web site and at the Town Hall for public information.

Anyone with questions concerning this new public safety program can contact the Town’s Chief of Police or Town Manager for further information or clarification.



  1. So how many accidents due to speed on this road where it's going? Yet the light on sixty foot has had accidents and deaths there yet no light. They post it's 30mph all streets but it's 20 by the bus entrance to the school... I guess the town needs revenue some how to replace what Carla and Denver stole from the town.

  2. Is this their way of trying to recoup the funds Carla Moore embezzled? Just a shame we have to pay for that.

    1. The answer is yes. The solution is the exact a little red neck justice on those cameras during the night. When governments exceed the will of the governed. It is the responsibility of the citizens to rise up in protest.

  3. speed cameras should be on route 50 every mile or 2 from the bridge to OC

    the state could make tons off the tourons

    1. Be careful what you wish for. Keep cheering. They will have a camera pointed at your window before you know it.

  4. ok so here are my questions:

    1) When did Pittsville get a police dept?
    2) Who is the Chief of police?
    3) Where are the police located?
    4) If Bob Harris is the actual Chief of Police did he RESIGN from the council?

    Looks like Pittsville is up to their old tricks! They didn't learn a thing from Denver Moore and his DAUGHTER CARLA!!!!!!

  5. The shenanigans in Pittsville never stop when you have the good ole boys and Paul Wilber running things. If Chief Bob Harris thinks speed cameras will pay his generous salary, he should do better research. I am sure the Wicomico Co. Sheriff's Office was doing just fine in Pittsville.

  6. So if there is only one officer how can they call him Chief lol. The speed cameras are being installed to pay for the Chief's salary. Pittsville has always had an identity crisis. Pittsville is much like Mike Lewis with a Napoleon Complex.

  7. Revenue enhancement in the name of safety!
    Lets call it what it truly is.
    Remember, it's for our children!!!!
    Total BS!!!!!!!!

    1. Exactly! The camera company makes the money.

  8. This whole scheme smacks of Bob Harris. At one time he was a proponent of freedom. Nowadays he is only concerned about himself.

  9. Fix your nasty water before you think about anything else!

  10. soley installed as moneymakers

  11. Hmmmm Bob Harris. .. same Bob Harris that was fired from Delmar and the state? Can we please get some one who isn't corrupt

  12. I always wonder why people will do 10-15 over the speed limit in a town but insist on doing just the speed limit on a highway.


  14. I hear Mardela springs is putting up a speed camera also
    its being done bc of all the Rednecks flying through small towns in there pick up trucks they are also going to have police enforcement along with it weekly.

  15. 12:46
    You are definitely an idiot if you really think it's because of School Buses.
    Government never lets an opportunity to make increase revenue go to waste.

    Remember they will tell you it's for the children and it's for your safety!

    The road to hell is always paved with good intentions.

  16. if its true i am looking forward to the speed camera in mardela there are to many idiots speeding in town.

  17. Here's a unique ideal - do not speed and the camera will cause you no problem. very simple solution. If you speed, you are breaking the law - If you are caught breaking the law expect to pay the consequences.

  18. 235
    there WILL be cameras in view of them so get preferred to be arrested REDNECK.

  19. How is this going to protect the children anyway? Main Street is full of parents picking up and dropping off their kids at the back of the school so they can't speed. Just tie up traffic. Old Ocean City Road is full of buses dropping and picking up the kids at the front of the school. So again how is this protecting the children?

  20. Go to court plead not guilty and ask to question the accuser and you'll win! Then will see how often the boxes are run over with 42" Super Swampers!

    1. And yo will be caught on the numerous hidden cameras 📷 punk and Arrested and face plastered all over Tv

  21. I agree with these these fools especially from Delaware fly around in total disregard for others and to the scumbags that dont like them post your address so we can go flying past your home with your kids outside doing 50 mph.

  22. Yea Bob! Earn your keep and do code checks and get some of these houses with 4 or 5 sheds in the back yard who never purchased a permit one for any of them. Also can you get the smelly rollback trucks out of the R-2 residential zoned areas in the town. Please start with the dip shit that lives next to your best bud the town mayor.

  23. The town still faces serious drainage issues and the water still and has always sucked but we can have a police chief

  24. Bob Buford Pusser Harris to the rescue! Practice what you preach the way you speed around in your hi dollar Ford pickup.You are not well accepted round here and you have not even started yet

  25. shut your mouth 913...tourons are only here LESS than half the year. You wouldn't be happy if one of those cams caught you on an "off" day, would ya? LIke in the middle of Feb when NO one is on Route 50....

  26. Pittsvile is trying to become like Montgomery County, MD!!

  27. This Aholes like speeding through small towns time for them to get hit were it hurts there Pocket $$$$

  28. Ps if you don't slow down SPEED BUMPS are going UP.

  29. So are they putting them on Old OC rd or Main St? Or both?

  30. Actually, the town gets only a small portion of the income. The operating contractor gets most of it.

  31. Do any of you out there remember that old car in Pittsville that had 2 front ends?My brother and I lived to see that thing every time we passed through town.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    shut your mouth 913...tourons are only here LESS than half the year. You wouldn't be happy if one of those cams caught you on an "off" day, would ya? LIke in the middle of Feb when NO one is on Route 50....

    September 6, 2018 at 10:09 PM

    and look at the damage and chaos they cause in those few months. I don't make a dime from any of you. But I do get a lot of headaches and my stress level goes way up when I have to share the road with most of you idiots. We can't even go for a nice ride anywhere without having some moron blowing our doors off or riding 3 feet off our bumper. Act like a visitor and be respectful and maybe people's attitude will change towards you.

  33. The towns Chief of Police?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    The sheriff himself told me that this clown got on the town council and created a police department so he can finally be a chief police somewhere. LMFAO!! The sheriff even stated this clown is unemployable and can't keep a job.

  34. Let’s call a spade a spade, it all about money! I understand you don’t make that much out of camera tickets after all expenses! Just another waste of taxpayers money!


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