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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Something About This Email Message Doesn’t Sound Right

Beware the email message from the Nigerian prince, especially if he’s writing from the superintendent’s office on an AOL account.

A Nigerian national who came to the United States on a 16-day visitor’s visa and never left has pleaded guilty to multiple charges of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft after hacking the school district in Glastonbury, Connecticut and collecting the W-2 financial information of 1,600 employees. He was sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer to 32 months in federal prison and ordered to repay $36,926 to the Internal Revenue Service.

Daniel Adekunle Ojo, 34, who arrived in the United States in May 2016 and stayed, eventually marrying, fathering a child, and taking up residency in Durham, North Carolina, is said to have sent an email message disguised as a query from the “executive assistant to the assistant superintendent” in which he requested tax information.

When Ojo acquired the information, which includes employees’ Social Security numbers, he used it to file 112 phony 1040 tax-return forms with the IRS, prosecutors say.

The returns would have netted Ojo $596,897 in refunds, but according to a report in the Connecticut Post, the scam only netted six processed returns of $36,926, the amount the court demanded Ojo repay.



  1. "...taking up residency in Durham, North Carolina..."

    One of the south's largest sanctuary cities. The reason the previous Republican Governor lost to the current Democratic Governor, but we know illegals are honest and don't vote.

  2. How can people be stupid enough to give this idiot any info

  3. Nigeria's per person GDP is $2,177.99 USD (2016), so if a Nigerian prince offers you money, he and his family stole it from people who live (or don't) on almost nothing.


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