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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Shoe Box Gift

Nadia Karnatova grew up in Ukraine in a large family. Although God always provided for them, they had very little. One Christmas, when she was around 9 years old, Nadia and all of her siblings received a shoebox from a local church. It was the first moment she felt God’s true presence.

When Nadia opened her shoebox, she saw a brand new Barbie doll with pink shoes. She had seen a Barbie on TV before but never thought she would have one. Through generosity of strangers, God gave Nadia’s family hope, strengthening their faith in Him.

In 2000, Nadia Karnatova’s family was able to move from Ukraine to the United States. Today, Nadia lives in Ohio, and she loves to pack shoeboxes to go around the world to bless other children, with her own three children.

Please come out and join us Saturday, September 15th, at 7pm to hear Nadia’s story of how a simple shoe box gift from Operation Christmas Child meant so much to her and her family, as she shares the story that God has written upon her life.

Location: New Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3072 Savannah East Dr., Lewes, DE.

1 comment:

  1. I have a sign on my desk that says:
    In a hundred years, it won't matter how much money you have, the house you lived in or the car you drove. But it will matter if you made a difference in the life of a child.
    So true.


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