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Friday, September 21, 2018

Senate Judiciary Twitter Account Drops Fact Bombs On Democrats

The Senate Judiciary Committee struck back at Democrats Thursday for suggesting Republicans are stifling further investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after he was accused of sexual assault in high school.

California researcher Christine Blasey Ford alleged Kavanaugh attempted to forcibly take her clothes off while he was drunk at a party in high school. She alleged Kavanaugh’s friend, Mark Judge, was in the room at the time and witnessed everything. Ford is calling for an FBI investigation into the incident before she will agree to testify to her charges in front of the Judiciary committee.

Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island alleged that GOP members of the committee are misdirecting Americans about the committee’s activity relating to an investigation into Kavanaugh. The GOP “wants to hang Dr. Ford out there on her testimony alone without any benefit of corroborating evidence.”


1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone withhold this information for 40 years? Where was this liar when he took his Bar exam? Where was the liar when he received his first appointment to the bench? Why in the 70’s didn’t she report the alleged attack? If you read the yearbooks her private school scrubbed from the Internet you would know why. She was probably the one trying to take off his clothes! Nothing but a political hit job to keep a conservative off the Supreme Court. ( That’s the Dems ultimate loss from the election and its driving them criminal!)


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