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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sen. Lindsey Graham: This Is Not a Job Interview. This is Hell"


  1. Lindsey Graham is soooo correct. This damn circus needs to end. The DemocRATS
    are horrible. Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, Diane Feinstein, and the whole lot of them having nothing more in mind than making sure that Judge Kavanaugh does not get confirmed. They said from the get go that they would do anything to make sure this does not happen. Absolutely hate all of them.

  2. Thank you Lindsey Graham for telling the truth

  3. Democrats truly have a hatred for what America stands for and this was proof.

  4. and the Devil is Fienstein & her Demoncrat Demons !!!!!

    They are just screwing themselves .....The Judge will WIN !!

  5. Prosecute Feinstein !!! Lets have her in the Hot seat !!!!

  6. Lindsey and Lying Ted gained some points today. I have a little more respect for them now. Haven't had much faith in them since the election when they resisted Trump.

  7. And it's not just the democrats in DC on that committee who are a disgrace it is every single democrat alive including the local ones. They are all horrid people who not only lie constantly but think it is acceptable to ruin people's lives-good people's lives like the Kavanaughs.
    Jim Mathias should be ashamed of himself and if he were a man of any character he would be denouncing the actions of his fellow democrats loudly and publicly and if he doesn't then he is proving to all he is just as despicable and horrid and a piss poor example of a man and a human being as the ones in DC.

  8. Well said. Wish other conservatives would say the same.

  9. Lindsey really stepped up this time and so did Cruz too
    The rest all need to be investigated
    Start keeping an eye on all politicians and keep draining this sewer of a swamp
    Had enough of all these greedy politicians

  10. I agree to all these comments. Bravo to Lindsey Graham! He is my heeeero!Thanks to Ted also


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