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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Second monkeypox case recorded in England

A second case of monkeypox was reportedly discovered in England, just days after the first-ever case in the country was confirmed in Cornwall.

Both patients are believed to have recently visited Nigeria, but the two cases appear unrelated, the Independent reported.

Monkeypox is a rare disease that does not spread easily between people. It’s considered mild, and typically occurs in remote parts of central and west Africa, according to the World Health Organization. The virus lives in animals but can be transmitted to humans. In 2017 Nigeria experienced its first outbreak of the viral illness since 1978, according to WHO.

“It is likely that monkeypox continues to circulate in Nigeria and could therefore affect travelers who are returning from this part of the world, however, it is very unusual to see two cases in such a relatively short space of time,” Dr. Nick Phin, deputy director of Public Health England’s National Infection Service, said, according the Independent.



  1. I wonder were that came from ? islam.

    1. Very mature comment. Well done.


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