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Saturday, September 01, 2018



  1. FOOD STAMPS??????????????????? Thumbs Down

  2. One fish two fish has a sign up about what you can use ebt for and what you can’t as well.

  3. I own a seafood company also. I have always refused the ebt card. Seafood is a luxury! If you need public welfare the gov should only give out free cheese, milk and cereal. My wifes family was on welfare in the early 70s in NY and thats how it was done and we don't speak Spanish here either nor ever will! This whole system has been hijacked by the democrats for a vote at the middle classes expense. I have had people pull up in new mercedes and bmws and try to buy seafood (lobster tails) with ebt card. Often when we tell them we don't accept they will pay by other means. Some get belligerent because we don't accept them but I think of the working man who often can't afford lobster tails but earns his money!

  4. This has to Change call your local Politians.

  5. 10:09 I truely commend you for taking a stand. I have great admiration for people who do the right thing even when it costs them. I am going to take a wild guess you are not located in Salisbury. You couldn't operate in this town without taking stamps.

  6. 10:46 the local politicians don't have the courage to change this. It has to come from the only man with the courage to do it. It has to come from the top down and will in President Trumps 2nd term

  7. Go to Harbor House any afternoon and you will see the use of the cards. Its not Hispanic people either.
    All getting steamed scrimp and other cooked products.

  8. Don't know who 10:09 is but I doubt his comment. Every seafood market from Salisbury to Ocean City take the EBT cards. They sell other products besides crabs.....

  9. Done with Harbor House, just dropped T.S.Smith last week. Slap in the face for your hard working customers.

  10. Thank you 10:09. I have a credit card with a 23K limit that I pay for in full all of my purchases each month (not 23K lol). I do not buy these seafood items because I can't afford them. Now if I had a EBT card I may try to treat myself. Thanks again.

  11. Democrats take you tax money and waste it.

  12. Old news here - Cool Ice in Cambridge has been letting people use their EBT cards for a long time. Have stood in line to buy a pound of crab meat for $35 once a year, feeling guilty and then in front of me are people buying two or three pounds, getting shrimp or anything else they want, using their EBT card. Probably then selling it to someone else collecting cash for it. It happens all the time. People who have those cards, buy stuff for other people then sell it to them for cash money. It's everywhere and not just there.

  13. Not the business owners fault. A business is in business to make profit...and to maximize that profit. They are doing so legally. Don't like what they are doing? Then celebrate free market capitalism and vote with your wallet by shopping elsewhere.

    Don't complain about the business... get involved in the process and effect change with laws to stop this. It really is that simple.


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