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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

rassley: Monday's Kavanaugh Hearing May Be Canceled if Accuser Doesn't Testify

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said Tuesday that the committee’s hearing on Monday with Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who now accuses Kavanaugh of sexual assault in high school, may be canceled if Ford does not testify.

Grassley (R-IA) said during a hearing with radio host Hugh Hewitt that his staff has continued to reach out to Ford over the last 36 hours but is still waiting for a response to find out if she will testify publicly regarding her sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Grassley said, “We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours three or four times by email, and we have not heard from them, so it kind of raises the question do they want to come to the public hearing or not.”



  1. No need to cancel; just take the vote explaining the Bit@h had 36 years yo get her story straight and didn't.


    All voting "AYE"...?

  2. Do the vote Monday ASAP Screw these commie bastards.

  3. Isn't that what they wanted- to derail the vote??
    Don't give them that. Hold the vote and be done with it.


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