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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

President Donald Trump SHOCKS President Moon of South Korea at the Free Trade Ceremony


  1. I sure hope future presidents follow Trumps rule book.

  2. In essence, he made a big stink for 2 years so that: 1) prices of US trucks would continue to be artificially propped up by blocking out competition, 2) have zero real impact on the number of US vehicles S. Koreans buy, 3) artificially drive/prop up the price of steel, and the subsequent prices of goods, but artificially propping up the market. All while good ol fashion innovation/technology continue to drive manufacturers towards having a leaner workforce. Yep, sounds like a free market win to me!

    1. You don't know what you are talking about. Should listen to President more carefully before sounding off. Move to India.

    2. Haha, exactly. We all should just soak up whatever the politicos say, no need to read, gather data; and think for ourselves.


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