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Monday, September 03, 2018

Possible East Coast Hurricane Threat?

Joe Bastardi at Weatherbell says the threat from Florence (currently out in the Atlantic) may be increasing-- the original thinking of it re-curving to the north and east may be changing, and it m-a-y pose a significant threat to the East Coast during the period of Sept. 12-16.

It certainly bears watching.

More here in the Daily Summary video for Sept. 3rd


  1. We will have a DELMARVALOUS REDNECK HURRICANE PARTY!!!! Steamed crabs and cold beer with country music playing....

  2. I hope it's here in time for the folk festival.

    1. I hope - if Florence decides to pay us a visit - it is after the festival. The Folk Festival has enough enemies wishing, praying and hoping for its demise, without being ruined by the weather. ..

    2. Since the folk festival is going to happen, we may as well hope it's successful.

  3. The storm could still be steered out into the ocean or west into the land.
    Pretty sure the military has a plan for it though and we will find out soon enough.

  4. I had an Aunt Florence. She was a hurricane that didn't quit. If she lived today she'd be medicated, for sure.

  5. ....OR it m a y not....


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