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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pat Caddell: For Democrats, 'Everybody Is Roadkill' on Path to 'Beat Kavanaugh'

Pollster and political analyst Pat Caddell said Democrats view “everybody as roadkill” along a path to “block the nomination” of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. He offered his remarks on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.

Democrats will destroy lives and families in pursuit of a “political goal,” said Caddell.

“It is frightening how people’s lives are damaged, I mean, are thrown away,” stated Caddell. “Everybody is roadkill when it comes to their desire to succeed in their goal, which is to beat Kavanaugh, whether it destroys him, his family, whatever — whether the charges are real or spurious. … [This will cause] people to not want to be in public life. Who wants this done to them? All in the name of a political goal.”



  1. Roadkill? Politically speaking, that's you and me. We are nothing but a vote in the big picture, and one vote doesn't mean squat.

  2. We're all roadkill. With enough gravy we go down nicely.

  3. When he's confirmed, he could be a little bitter about how the dumbocrats treated him and his family!

    I can't wait to see him shred the liberal lawyer in a scotus case that just might be DiFi's pet project!

  4. Every vote counts. Only the vote that isn't cast doesn't count.

  5. Their rationale = The ends justify the means.


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