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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Obama Calls Benghazi A Wild Conspiracy Theory. Benghazi Hero Levels Him.

Former President Barack Obama suggested on Friday that outrage over the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi — which resulted in the deaths of four Americans — was a result of "wild conspiracy theories."

Obama, trying to help the Democrats in the 2018 midterms, attacked President Donald Trump while speaking at the University of Illinois where he accepted the Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government.

"But over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican party," Obama said.



  1. Obama said that about many things.

  2. The GOP led years long investigation and its lack of results PROVED it was all a conspiracy theory.

    1. Only because they were forced into silence, it indeed was not a conspiracy, it was murder by our own government officials.

  3. Obama ethics in Government are they kidding, do they know his record. Bengazi was directly a murder at Hillary's hands as she did not order support from our troops and defend our Americans in the embassy when they asked for it directly from her as Secretary of State at the time, this was her job and she ignored the call. Obama is her strongest supporter and he was Commander and Chief our President this error fell on him as president as well as Hillary. Ethics my foot he had none.

  4. Why is this un- American who feels he is the only one who is important. Why didn't Hillary send troops to help - bevaube she was drunk and went back to bed.

  5. Obama says Hillary is a very honest and honorable woman. He says Casey Anthony is a good mom. He says Nancy Palosi is a good woman.

    He is so full of shit, it has turned his skin brown.

  6. I believe the boots on the ground verses the bureaucrats.

  7. Fast and furious,IRS targeting conservatives,gun running to Syrian rebels all dreamed up.

  8. When the phone rang and 3:00 A.M. Obama was busy out back smoking and Hillary was passed out drunk.

  9. 9:03 - Indeed! They messed up, but got away with it. 6:16 - you should be honest with yourself. This is what I cannot stand about democrats - you can never accept that your people screwed up. At the very least, you should not comment about it, makes you look foolish.


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