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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Nolte: How Our Vulgar Media and Political Elite Ruined Two Funerals

Ogling, groping, racists, racism, accused-rapists, mean-girl snubs, inappropriate rants, cheap shots delivered to humiliate invited guests as the crowd roars its approval…

No, this was not a sorority hazing or a prison riot or the last gasp of Ancient Rome; it was how America’s establishment behaved at the funerals for Aretha Franklin and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).

Here we are in an America with a roaring economy, manufacturing jobs are coming back (without a magic wand), the War on Terror feels like ancient history, we’re not launching stupid wars, Putin’s adventurism has been halted, and North Korea has gone from launching missiles to arguing over how quickly it will denuclearize…

In other words, for the first time in 17 years, for the first time since those passenger planes hit the World Trade Center, we are at long last enjoying some well-deserved Peace and Prosperity.

But how did our self-appointed media and political elite spend the last few days? Lashing out at the man primarily responsible for America’s comeback while longing for the good ol’ days when they were in charge of endless wars and managing America’s decline.

And all of this happened at the most inappropriate venue imaginable: a funeral.

More here


  1. No one cares. Dragging a dead body around for a week so people can look at it? Who started that stupid ritual? I just don't get it. Most of them were total strangers. People are sheep.

  2. I'm just glad it's all over.

  3. These are the same people that was is calling for civility, starting with McCain's daughter Magen. Yet Magen, Obama and others brought in decisive political comments. Such hypocrites

  4. My doc told me to stay away from stuff that makes me sick, so I didn't watch.

  5. The libs are afraid of losing power. They are revealing what they are all about. Oppose and silence anyone who thinks differently than they do. Selfish and hypocritical.


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