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Friday, September 07, 2018

Nike: The Social Justice Slave Labor Shoe That Hates America

Nike’s new romance with an anti-American activis

It’s a bad time for bad sneakers.

Nike sales have seen their slowest growth in seven years. It was the worst performing Dow stock of 2016. Americans don’t seem to want badly made overpriced shoes put together by slave labor.

The failing company tried to turn around its poor sales by doubling down on its abrasive lefty politics. Nike’s Consumer Direct Offense was supposed to stand for reclaiming American market share, instead of directly offending consumers. But if Nike can’t sell its shoddy athletic wear, it can offend Americans.

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  1. If the shoe fits....

  2. I was pointing out this hypocrisy to someone just yesterday. Good article.

  3. If we get to the NWO, Nike will be paying peanuts to everybody, regardless of where in the world.

  4. Needs to be a commercial about the slave labor used to make their sneakers.

  5. Tucker Carlson is going to do a series on this happening in the US since it was revealed how so many of their employees are receiving welfare benefits to survive. Locally we have the chicken companies doing the same thing. So many of those families in the slaughter plants are on welfare and/or get regular handouts from local non profits and churches just to survive.
    Instead of sponsoring things like folk festivals these companies should pay more to their employees so tax payers aren't.
    So many are fooled into thinking these companies are good because they "give" so much back. Fact is they wouldn't be where they are if not for slave labor and tax payers.
    Walmart is another. All those inexpensive things you are buying aren't so inexpensive when you factor in the hidden costs.

  6. If Nikes is not completely owned and Made in America icon company, it need to fall. It's that simple.

  7. I never gave too much thought to Nike until now and I was sitting waiting for a friend to join me for lunch and started looking at peoples feet. Old and young.....wearing Nikes. If they have such problems why are a huge number of people of all ages wearing their shoes?


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