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Monday, September 17, 2018

New York woman arrested for fabricating story alleging hate crime by four Trump-supporting teens

A New York woman has been arrested after police say she made up a story claiming to be the victim of a hate crime.

Adwoa Lewis gave detectives a written statement on Friday, in which she said she was driving home in Long Island September 2 when four teens confronted her.

She claimed they yelled 'Trump 2016!' before telling the black 19-year-old she 'didn't belong here'.

Lewis said the following morning she found her tires had been slashed and there was a note that read 'Go home' on her car, which was parked in front of her home in Baldwin.



  1. Girls' handwriting is different than boys'. It's easy to see, with the rounded letters, etc.

  2. When she was slashing her own tires, I wonder if she was thinking about how the slashed tires would really make her story look true.
    If you aren't really picked on, if no man has ever made an off-color remark to you, if you always got the job you wanted, and you live in a pretty nice house, BUT still want people to think you are being "held down", discriminated against, and threatened with violence by white rednecks, make something up.
    CNN will be all over it.
    When the truth comes out, it will be on page 13 section C, bottom left of the page, one or two sentences.
    Hey!! Over there!! RUSSIANS!!

  3. She will get off with a slap on the wrist but should be charged with Hate Crimes and given jail time (this is what would have happened to the people she accused).

  4. If she put in an insurance claim for the tires, she may as well start looking for a new insurer and talking to a lawyer about submitting a false insurance claim.


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