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Friday, September 28, 2018

Netanyahu: Iran Has 'Secret Atomic Warehouse'...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is exposing what he says is a secret Iranian nuclear weapons storage site.

Netanyahu presented maps and photos of what he says is a “secret atomic warehouse” in the Turquzabad district of Tehran, concealed as a rug-cleaning operation.

Netanyahu said Israel has shared information about this site with the International Atomic Energy Agency and some intelligence agencies.

There was no immediate reaction from Iran, which denies building nuclear weapons.

He made the announcement at the U.N. General Assembly..



  1. I thought we quit using the term "Atomic" back in the 60's. In the 70's and since, the weapons have all been called nuclear, not atomic. That's a term from the 40's and 50's. Netenyahu sounds like a school child when he uses obsolete terms in this day and age.


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