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Friday, September 07, 2018

Nearly 25 percent of young adults in America have deleted the Facebook app in the past year

Facebook's data privacy scandal seems to have made an impact on its users.

A new Pew Research study surveyed users to measure their activity on the site over the past 12 months.

They found that a large portion of the population has taken an extended break from Facebook, while 26 percent have deleted the app entirely.



  1. Facebook is old school. It's not spontaneous enough and has too many rules and distractions.

  2. I recognized from the beginning that it was a fad so never signed up.

  3. i got rid of it. Best thing i ever did.

  4. Amusing are the idiots who commit a serious crime then don't do any editing of their Facebook pages. It's like an invitation to law enforcement to gather more evidence.

  5. From the beginning everyone told me I need to get on Fakebook and get a page and I just said why.
    Never did and never will with any of them


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