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Friday, September 14, 2018

Median Fence Achieved Early Safety Goal, Officials Believe

OCEAN CITY — With the first summer season with the new median fence down a vast section of Coastal Highway in the midtown area now in the books, local officials believe the project has accomplished its early goals.

The much-debated median fence project with enhanced lighting got underway last fall. The median fence is expected to improve public safety in the known trouble spot section of Coastal Highway, which historically has seen the most pedestrian-vehicle collisions, by forcing pedestrians to cross the highway at marked crosswalks at street ends and not dash across between blocks.

The project, which was designed by the State Highway Administration (SHA) with significant input from Ocean City officials, cost $4.5 million for the initial phase. The project features an undulating fence down the center median of Coastal Highway mimicking the iconic fences along the dunes in Ocean City complete with the appropriate landscaping to complete the illusion. No less important is the improved lighting along the corridor with higher wattage LED lights on poles in the center median.



  1. Although I must admit, I have crossed the highway mid-block for easy access, Years ago this was possible due to less traffic and driver courtesy that existed then, Every person driver or pedestrian could recall similar instances when they, themselves, were trying to cross the street. Regrettably, due to traffic increase, deterioration of societal manners and increased laziness, these barriers became necessary to herd people like a cattle to the beach safely. tough decision to make, but necessary.

    1. I would have wrote you a $250 J walking ticket.

    2. Im sure you would nazi!!! (Police state at its best!!! How about a warning...and then let nature take it's course.

  2. So officials "believe" the wall has accomplished its early goals...

    Well I "believe" it was a waste of taxpayer dollars! $4.5 MILLION for the initial part...$7M projected total.

    I "believe" when a few make decisions for the majority (and most of the majority does not have a vote, although they own) - something isn't quite right!

    $7M for a wall to prevent Seacrets drunks from running across the street - WOW!!!!!!

    Guess its all in who you know!!!!!

  3. Here is proof, fences, walls, and barriers all work in keeping undesirable action from taking place.

    Build that Wall !

  4. Yet the City of Salisbury was ravaged by readers over the same type of fencing - that Dept of Transpiration recommended and put in place. Go figure. Does not take an Einstein to figure why...

  5. I doubted this at the onset but it sounds like this was a good idea and if it cuts down on deaths, and accidents then I change my opinion good decision. Maybe we need this in front of the college and part of 13 South, then maybe the students would use the tunnel access built for them as well. It's worth a vote.

  6. ....and people think electing a Town official to a higher office is a good idea?


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