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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Local Media Blowing Smoke Up Your ...

These were taken yesterday during the 5:30-6:30 hour. 1,000 to 1,500 people there maximum. ALL cars in the civic center parking lot had Maryland plates.

When will you people finally get it. Your local media are nothing but LIARS. Do you people not recall the days when they'd say, news you can trust. News you can depend on. Fair and balanced. Do you recall the shame when one of them was caught with fake news, lies? 

My pictures are not lies. They come from the very people/taxpayers, (one after the other) who will spend years paying off the massive financial losses from this event. Yeah, people are pissed off and they should be. 

I'm sure tomorrow we'll start hearing how successful this event was. They won't be able to pay the ELECTRIC BILL for this event, let alone all the other massive expenses. Vendors won't be back next year. Finally, I'll bet next week for Bike Week your media won't be covering up the next storm to follow the one from this weekend. 

And no, we won't lie at the last minute and call Bike Week a rain event. We're prepared for the worst and guess what, we might even lost money but that's the risk an INDEPENDENT business takes, time will tell. 

Good luck collecting money from the city for all the food served to volunteers at the La Quinta Hotel. Oh yeah, they're already talking to SBYNews.  


  1. kayak rentals were $20 when they started now its $5!! Pack it up and go home morons it's raining!! No one wants to be on $hit river in a kayak in the rain!

  2. Hopefully, it's a "one and done". Too bad that's not the case for Day.

  3. Just look at the front page of the Salisbury Daily Slime. According to them the festival is a roaring success with thousands attending undaunted by the weather. I went for an hour last night, talked to many performers who advised that had they known how mismanaged this venue was they would have never signed on. Many said that they had turned down offers from other festivals to attend what one called the "Salisbury Turd Festival". And where is the Salisbury fire boat? Thought they would be patrolling the waterways keeping the hoard of spectators safe.

  4. Dear Jake Day,

    Do you call it a fiasco or a debacle, or both?

  5. No one has been shot so far so that is a successful downtown festival.

  6. Yeah and if you do a google news search, local media are the only ones covering our “national” festival. North Carolina has a folk festival running right now, along with every other town they’ve been to recently! 1.4 million for the amphitheater for starters. Drive by that tomorrow and really think that through...1.4 million?

  7. There’s more of a turnout for the downtown free Easter egg hunt they used to host downtown until it failed too

  8. They have to remove the amphitheater after the festival. Wonder when.

  9. 2:06 PM did it fail or did the city just stop doing it like they did with the fireworks.

    Interesting that they came up with millions to do this but have no money for fireworks, egg hunts, or any other community functions.

    My guess is it no longer fit some official's agenda.

    Personally I always felt it was insulting to the citizens and pathetic that the city stopped doing fireworks. How unpatriotic. They do nothing else for its citizens, its the least they can do

  10. did the rain wash away the rainbow intersection? lol


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