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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Live Shots From Salisbury Folk Festival


  1. Is this current for real? Bc I was going to walk around for few!

  2. PACKED! I see at least 60,000 People.....

    1. Yeah. Take of a couple of zeros.

  3. Maybe there will be an after church services turnout. LMAO. Show this City your true Christian values and faith base. Have a glorious and blessed day.

  4. city is now showing vids of performers only and not panning the crowd.

  5. At least the toilet rental company is making some money. They get paid the same no matter the number of pees and poops people take.

  6. The downtown wifi is turned off today, so sending pictures from there you'll have to use your data...

  7. How in the hell did they get suckered into this? Salisbury is not conducive for a folk festival. Not too many areas are. That was the problem. Running out of places to hold it so Salisbury was baited and they bought right into it.

  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    Jake Day you are a fool.

  9. I just rode by @2:00 I bet there's not 1000 people between ALL the venue's.

  10. Yeah we’ll just wait until the Indigo Girls play their set.... oh wait. That’s next weekend in Massachusetts at that BIG Folk festival. One of the REAL ones.

  11. You know what I am laughing at and LMFAO about?

    How about those stupid a$$ vendors that bought into this crap and believed in that idiot!! I'm sure he will blame it on the weather, but the weather didn't show 100% rain so that won't be a good excuse.

    To the next Mayoral Candidate of Salisbury, feel free to use this as your ammo against an idiot failure.

  12. That Far Deeparmint pickum up truck in front of the Chamber of Commerce office is the new Far Marshill for da 'Bury. He be makin assistent cheef pay and gittin ovar tyme fo dis.


  13. I just googled hotels in Salisbury for tonight and 43 hotels in the area popped up for availability including West Ocean City. I thought that 100,000 plus crowd was going to book every hotel in the area?


  14. People walking around with the donated buckets asking for money , that's the volunteers for you , I was approached 4 times before I left , Had good time driving home listening to my radio. Never seen so many gays in a small area , was this a gay thing or what ? Loaded with left wing ding bats.

  15. Why so many foreign performers? This is an American folk festival, right?


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