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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Lindsey Graham Summarizes The Kavanaugh Chaos: "If An Accusation Is Enough, God Help Us All"

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) laid out his position on Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday, telling reporters that he isn't going to deny him a seat on the Supreme Court based on flimsy allegations, and that he is going to "apply the rule of law" as his standard.

What are they supposed to do, interview everyone in Maryland from the summer of 1982?

We're talking about appointing someone to be in charge of the rule of law. I'm going to adopt the rule of law as my standard. If this were a criminal allegation you would never get out of the batter's box, because you can't tell the accused where it happened and when it happened, and there's no corroboration outside the accusation itself. You couldn't sue in civil court for the same reason - you could not even get a warrant.

So I will respectfully listen to Dr. Ford, but here's the question for me and others; what is the standard?What is it going to be? Are you really innocent or guilty based on the accusation? Is there any presumption of innocence left in the confirmation process?

If the accusation is enough, God help us all. It's OK to challenge the accuser.

I will respectfully listen, but if there's nothing new, I am not going to deny him a promotion to the Supreme Court based on a 35-year-old accusation where all of the facts that we do know about seem to suggest it didn't happen the way it was described.

If this is enough to deny a person a seat on the Supreme Court who has otherwise lived a good life, then I don't know where this ends.



  1. The hearing has commenced and Ford is now speaking. I know bad acting when I see it.

  2. Remember that after this so called assault, she continued to go to parties with boys there, and loads of drinking.

  3. Ford has proved herself she is a liar. She wanted to read the letter SHE WROTE to feinstein to see if it was accurate. Why would anyone need to do that if they wrote the letter? It's because she just like every single other democrat alive is a liar so she needed to review it to try and make sure there wasn't anything she could be caught lying about. But it's coming. She will be proved without any doubt to be just like every single other democrat lying garbage.

  4. Time to DIG into the Demon-crat's lives now and see how
    DIRTY they are........

    Time for new Demoncrat Witch hunts !!!!!

    Let have one Every week on them from now on !!!!

    Start with Pelosi / Shumer / Schiff / Hillary /Obama !!!!!!
    Clapper / Comey / Lynch / Coons !!!!!!!

  5. No White Man is SAfe in America ......No NAAWP !!! Yet

  6. They ALL know the LAW and that WE Are Innocent until PROVEN
    Guilty ......NOT Guilty Until Proven Innocent !!!!

    Don't like it TUFF they can Leave & go to Russia to live !


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