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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Liberal PAC Targeting #MeToo-Accused Politicians Only Targets Republicans, Gives Prominent Democrats A Pass

A political action committee (PAC) affiliated with Women’s March is targeting 2018 political candidates accused of sexual misconduct, harassment or other offenses against women.

But so far the PAC’s list of targeted candidates only includes Republicans and excludes several prominent Democrats accused of sexual misconduct, domestic abuse or covering up harassment.

The Enough Is Enough Voter Project launched on Monday to “end a culture that protects the careers of powerful men who abuse women or other survivors, and put this issue before the voters,” Stanford Law School professor Michele Dauber said in an announcement on Monday.

Dauber, who specializes in feminist, gender and sexuality studies, launched the PAC in coordination with the Women’s March Sister Network and Feminist Majority, a pair of left-wing nonprofits.



  1. This needs to be publicized to all dumbocrat voters, they need to know the lowest level they are stooping to!

  2. Men need to SUE them for Defamation > and Teach them a Lesson .....Put up or Shut up !!!

    Anything over 7 years should be thrown out !! Period

  3. Democrats have never professed being of faith or morally chaste. Republicans pander to those who hold those values dear. Both live close to held fantasies philosophies and oppositions but when it comes down to politics and MAGA let's talk economics and opportunity. I don't care what you believe and hold dear keep that at home. SHOW ME THE MONEY !

  4. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  5. Joe just came out

    The 3 Rd kavanah witness father states he is shocked at her allagations and that she owed $43000 in back taxes from 2008 paid for in 2016 BUT SHE WAS A IRS AGENT ????????????

  6. So you all believe me now? This is without a doubt a luciferian conspiracy and Im not cheering

  7. This is how the Democrats operate now. Lie, cheat, ruin innocent people's reputations, hire to kill, etc. Whatever it takes for them to win elections and remain in power. We openly saw how they are trying to destroy our country through the 8 years of Obama. Look at all the immigrants and refugees allowed in. They are trying to suppress the conservative voices and are succeeding with the MSM reporting nonsense news about Trump rather than important news people need to know about.


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