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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lewis Morris: Leftists Are Killing Sex and Gender

One of the greatest demonstrations of leftist arrogance is the continued attempt to rewrite the natural laws of biology to score political points. Over the last several years, we have seen leftist ideologues try not only to redefine the roles of men and women in American society, but also to redefine gender itself, and even create new genders along the way.

Unfortunately, this has gone from a sad social experiment to an even more terrifying reality with devastating consequences for our society.

Aided by a compliant media that consistently vilifies men at every turn and a college campus crowd that has made higher education downright hostile to young men, the Left is deconstructing what it means to be a man in the world today.

Whenever anyone discusses this persistent attack on masculinity in the public square, leftists will say that such talk only proves that masculinity is toxic. One “LGBTQ” group at Goldsmiths University in London suggested that people who oppose the homosexual agenda should be placed in Soviet-style gulags, where they could be compassionately “rehabilitated” just like they used to do in Stalinist Russia. Compassion? Did anyone clue these people in to what happened to homosexuals in those gulags? Apparently not.


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