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Saturday, September 08, 2018

Levi’s Jeans Co. Declares War on Second Amendment

American jeans manufacturer announces gun control initiatives

Blue jeans manufacturer Levi’s Strauss & Co., a symbol of rugged individualism for many Americans, announced this week it’s taking a stance against the Second Amendment.

The company revealed Tuesday it’ll be teaming up with notorious anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg to form a new gun control alliance for business leaders, as well as donate to groups working to “end gun violence in America.”

In a statement released on the company’s website, Levi’s revealed they will give $1 million in grants to various gun control groups, in addition to encouraging employees to volunteer at anti-gun non-profits.



  1. Buy Wrangler , more bang (30/06 , 223 , 7.62) for your buck.
    The best jeans on the market "Wrangler" also the best tire .

  2. Throw them in on top of the Nike garments. Good time of the year for a bonfire coming up.

  3. Levi blue jeans are way overpriced, you are mainly paying for the right to wear something with their trademark name on it. I can get 2 pair of Wrangler jeans for the same price as one pair of Levi's and do you think anyone says to me 'those aren't Levi jeans?

  4. I haven't worn these junk jeans in 30 plus years. Over priced for crap. So let them commit political suicide. They probably have ANOTHER OBAMA HACK on the board of directors. GO FIGURE.

  5. BOYCOTTING Levi's going to Wrangler


  6. Goodbye, and good riddance, to Levi's, Dockers and any other brands they own. Not complicated.

  7. No more Levis. Wranglers only until they join the Anarchist against the 2nd Amendment.

  8. Nike doing their thing, now Levi's doing this? Hmmmmm, something tells me Levi's position will hurt them in the pocket book MORE than Nike rolling out Colin.

    we will see!

  9. I guess I won't be buying anymore overpriced Levis.

  10. Look inside of your Levi's and see where they are made...you may be surprised.

  11. Does Levi's present the choice to Americans as "guns or our jeans"?
    Maybe send them a pair of Levi's that have been hung up and used for 12 gauge target practice.
    I keep telling you, but your cheering is so loud --- they will not stop at the Second Amendment. It's only the BEGINNING for them.
    They ALSO want your ability to criticize them to be ELIMINATED. They don't like any nasty things written about them either. Protesting? They want that gone, too.
    ALL for our own good.
    They LAUGH at your lemming-like stupidity and count on your inane cheering.
    Shortsighted and naive wouldn't even begin to describe your existence.


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