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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Keith Ellison In Heated Battle With Republican Challenger As Poll Shows Candidates Tied In Attorney General Race

Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison is in a heated battle with Republican challenger Doug Wardlow as both candidates are tied for the attorney general race in Minnesota, according to a poll released Sunday.

KSTP/SurveyUSA conducted the poll between Sept. 6 and Sept. 8 and found both candidates had 41 percent of support with 14 percent undecided, KSTP reported Sunday. The poll comes less than two months away from the midterms in November.

“Ellison is vulnerable in a way other Democrats are not,” political scientist Steven Schier told KSTP.

Ellison was accused of domestic abuse toward former partner Karen Monahan by Austin Monahan, 25, her son, The Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported.



  1. Ellison is a woman BEATER and for some reason it's perfectly acceptable when it's a democrat man who not beats women but brutally RAPES them like bill clinton did. This is how disgusting the democrat party is and proves again that they are all nothing but liars. They only care about women when a democrat is not involves.

  2. But a recent, witness corroborated domestic assault claim against a muslim cult of Farrakhan loving, high-ranking, democrat just doesn't carry the same weight as say, an unprovable, unwitnessed, uncharacteristic claim of an attempted assault from 35 years ago against a respected conservative jurist.

  3. Where is the ethics committee on this POS.


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