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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kavanaugh Vote Delayed One Week As Trump Orders New FBI Investigation

Brett Kavanaugh's nomination has been stalled on the Senate floor after GOP leadership agreed Friday afternoon to a one-week delay for an FBI investigation into allegations of sexual harassment against the Supreme Court nominee. Earlier in the day, the Judiciary Committee approved Kavanaugh's advancement by a vote of 11-10 along party lines.

"There's going to be a supplemental FBI background investigation" said Majority Whip Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in a Friday statement, which he said would last no longer than a week.

Cornyn, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and a number of other Republicans had huddled in McConnell's office Friday afternoon to discuss how to proceed on the confirmation following a call from three key senators to delay the vote. -CNBC

Immediately prior to the Judiciary Committee voted, GOP Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona - who is not running for reelection - attempted to push for a delay pending an FBI investigation, however he was unsuccessful after Chairman Grassley rushed the vote.



  1. Are they talking about the same FBI that investigated Mr. Trump? This chapter in American politics is truly mind blowing.

  2. I don’t think a drunken high school grope session with an obviously loose girl 36 years ago qualifies for FBI investigation. But yes, let’s get to the bottom of these unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked by the supposed victims corroborate witnesses. Let the FBI investigate all her communications, contacts, political affiliations/ contributions, allegations of ties to extremists Fusion GPS and George Soros as well as her intimate familiar ties to the CIA. Time for some truth. Over a million in crowd funding so far. Jim Mathias touched me in the men’s bathroom the other night at a restaurant in OC! cash app me! Geez. Anyone can just come forward and make any claim for political and monetary gain. She should be in prison with Di Fi for slander but of course DiFi reads the slander into the record because she is immune. Off with their heads I say!

  3. How many liberal liars will make false accusations next week.


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