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Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh: 'I Fear the Whole Country Will Reap the Whirlwind' of Dems' Behavior

Judge Brett Kavanaugh accused Democrats and the left at Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing of having created a dangerous precedent for the country in trying to defeat his nomination with last-minute, decades-old, uncorroborated sexual misconduct allegations.

“This confirmation process has become a national disgrace,” Kavanaugh said close to the beginning of his opening statement, where he gave a scathing assessment of how Democrats came to unveil the allegations against him. He quoted Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) saying those who support Kavanaugh are “complicit in evil” and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz asserting that confirming Kavanaugh would endanger millions of lives.

Kavanaugh told the committe:


  1. Deport the Damn Dems !!! Siberia

  2. The Demon-crats will REAP what They have sewed Election Time

    We Americans are watching !!!! Circus Over !!!

  3. Both booker and harris refused to vote with the Committee this morning. Typical of them. No respect for Senate rules. But yes typical of them-raised by trash who never taught them civility and how to act like human beings. They are tribal and primal-animals are more civilized.

  4. They don't Practice what they preached about Kavanaugh !!!

    Expecting him to act a certain way ....look in the mirror !


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