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Saturday, September 08, 2018

Kamala Harris Suggested Kavanaugh Spoke To Trump's Law Firm About Mueller. She Was Lying, Of Course.

On Wednesday, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) attempted to grab the 2020 Democratic presidential limelight by launching into an attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s latest pick for the Supreme Court. She essentially accused Kavanaugh of stonewalling on whether he had spoken with President Trump’s law firm about the Robert Mueller investigation. Kavanaugh correctly said he didn’t know what she was talking about, and also said he didn’t know every lawyer at Kasowitz Benson Torres – a law firm with nearly 300 attorneys. That didn’t stop Harris, who grandstanded for nearly 10 minutes, to the wild applause of the media. The video has been viewed tens of millions of times on Twitter.



  1. What a low piece of work.

  2. This is all to take away from the President getting two Supreme Court judges confirmed. sleeper cells, anonymous sources. ALL NUMBER ONE BS. #maga.

  3. And people in California voted for this ignorant bitch.

  4. Of course kamala lied. She's is just like every single other democrat. They all lie all the time. Not one is a good honest decent person. The only thing they didn't lie about was calling themselves nasty. The are the nastiest and grossest form of life. Not one has ever nor will one ever contribute anything positive to society.


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