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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Interviews with Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr

Judicial Watch has announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice for details of the 302 interviews the FBI conducted with Bruce Ohr, who was removed from his position as U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General in December 2017. The interviews could be key to understanding how anti-Trump dossier author, British spy Christopher Steele’s information was transmitted to the FBI.

Judicial Watch sued after the Justice Department failed to respond to a FOIA request seeking Form 302s for a number of interviews with Ohr concerning his interactions with Steele. A Form 302 is used by FBI agents to summarize the interviews that they conduct and contains information from the notes taken during the interview.

In a related case seeking records of communications between Ohr, other DOJ officials and Steele or Fusion GPS, the DOJ told the court it has located 1650 responsive documents and wants six months to turn them over. A hearing in federal court will be held in that case on Thursday, September 13, 2018.


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