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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Insurgent bids to unseat Tom Carper: 'We absolutely are fighting for the soul of the Democrat Party'

As outbreaks of antiestablishment activism roil the Democratic Party nationwide, a veteran Delaware political leader who’s never been beaten faces a primary election challenge from an insurgent who’s never run for office.

Kerri Evelyn Harris, whose resume includes loading giant Air Force cargo planes, frying chicken at a convenience store chain and working as an auto body mechanic, is seeking in Thursday’s Democratic primary to unseat three-term incumbent U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, one of the most successful politicians in Delaware history.

“We absolutely are fighting for the soul of the Democrat Party,” said Harris.

Carper, undefeated since 1976 when he was first elected state treasurer, is taking it in stride.

“It’s not like I’ve never been primaried before,” said Carper, who served five terms in the U.S. House and two as governor before being elected to the Senate in 2000.

Carper has a huge fundraising advantage, having raised more than $1.3 million this year as of mid-August, compared to a little more than $120,000 by Harris. He has far outspent her.

Harris is among a wave of young activist Democrats, emboldened by the 2016 presidential campaign of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.



  1. Carper is a part of the swamp gang, hope she beats him!

  2. so, those are her only qualifications? i have a better resume than that and i feel that i`m not qualified to be the leader of any state. these young people think that if they achieve anything more than a participation trophy then they are qualified to be GOD himself or at least the leader of a country or a state. they will never take away the title of "the greatest generation" from the world war 2 generation,that`s a sure bet.

  3. Yes so right. I doubt this person could address World war II, Vietnam, Korean war. None or most of today's young people have no idea why they have the freedoms that they enjoy. No life experiences that qualify for leadership of any State, county or city. It's an embarrassment to those who have fought for those freedoms. Most are only interested in the newest I phone their parents buy for them. Need to keep these know it all useless individuals out of politics. Nothing is free not even freedom.

  4. 1:10, I have similar experience except for frying chicken and know darn well I don't qualify. The sad part is voters often put these yoyo's in office. Look at Max Waters, etc. One thing is Carper sure appears to be a career politician and that should not be with anyone. Looks like good people of knowledge, character, etc. don't want to put themselves and their family through it. We can't fault them for that...very sad.

  5. In the recent Delaware election, 7 Republicans won as compared to only 4 democrats. So, what does that tell anyone? It's the future.


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