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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers

Nearly 40 million Social Security numbers have been stolen and used by illegal immigrants and others to get work, according to agency records obtained by an immigration reform group.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that from 2012 to 2016 there were “39 million instances where names and Social Security numbers on W-2 tax forms did not match the corresponding Social Security records.”

The group said that there is a “thriving black market” used by illegal immigrants to get Social Security numbers needed to get a job.

Their report draws attention to a move by former President Barack Obama to stop sending so-called “no match” letters to employers notifying them that numbers used by employees on the wage forms do not match their identity.

The change followed Obama’s decision to approve amnesty for some 700,000 younger immigrants let into the U.S. under his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Some of those have been dubbed “dreamers.”

More here


  1. A clear case of aiding and abetting a known criminal is what Obama did!
    How many hundreds of millions in benefits have been paid out to some of these illegal immigrants? Our hard earned tax dollars stolen from us! Yeah I see how illegal immigrants help the economy, in a pigs eye!

  2. Second only to the Russians .

  3. Obama's action was done to aid democrats in getting elected by the huge number of so called "dreamers" he allowed to enter our country ILLEGALLY. He committed a crime, not upholding the laws of the land as sworn in his oath of becoming the POTUS. Why hasn't he and Hillary been investigated and charged? The dems are literally fighting with their outrageous distractions to keep all the truth from being told and hoping they can get back in the WH to control anymore release of information. The Trump team better get to work getting these liberal commies out of our House!

  4. Obama, yes ^Him. You can ***^Thank ^^* obama. (*clone?*) . Food stamps. Ill eagles no !


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