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Thursday, September 20, 2018

"I Don't Have An Attorney General": Trump Blasts Sessions, Says FBI Is A "Cancer In Our Country"

Ever since Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to recuse himself from overseeing the DOJ's probe into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia back in the Spring of 2017 - a decision that set the stage for the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller - President Trump has subjected his AG to an unceasing wave of public abuse and belittling comments, all the while suggesting that Sessions might soon be cut loose thanks to his immense disloyalty to his boss.

But Trump outdid himself on Wednesday during a freewheeling interview with the Hill where he declared that "I don't have an attorney general" and added that he's "not happy" with Sessions' performance on a number of fronts beyond the Russia probe.

Trump went on to speculate that Sessions' "very poor" performance during the nominating process went on to impact his performance as attorney general. Though Trump said Sessions' performance is especially disappointing in light of the senator's early support of the Trump campaign.


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