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Friday, September 28, 2018

Holes in Christine Blasey Ford's testimony cast doubt that Brett Kavanaugh was her assailant

There are holes in Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony.

This doesn’t mean she is lying. It doesn’t mean she did not suffer sexual assault of some kind, and it doesn't mean she doesn't suffer from PTSD or isn't terrified to testify. The holes in Ford’s testimony demonstrate there is very little proof that corroborates it was Brett Kavanaugh who assaulted Ford some decades ago.

In a relatively short period, Ford gave an initial brief testimony detailing the events surrounding the event where she says Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her. Throughout the entire testimony and subsequent questions, there has been no corroborating evidence brought forth of any kind. This means there has been no other person, event, detail, or evidence that shows anything outside of her testimony, aligning with her testimony.

Still, Ford’s testimony itself seems to have a few holes:

Ford's account of who attended the party has changed several times. According to the Washington Post report, Ford's therapist's "notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room." Ford's polygraph contradicts this statement. In her polygraph she said there were “4 boys and a couple of girls at the party.” During her testimony on Thursday, Ford revised her WhatsApp conversation with the Washington Post reporter "to clarify that more than four people may have been present at the party in question and that an individual named 'PJ' was not a 'bystander' to her alleged attack and that she does not allege that he knew about it."


  1. Many HOLES !!! The more she talk the better for him !!!

  2. She is obviously lying. The democrat senators on the committee would have everyone believing that BECAUSE there are holes in her story she is being truthful. They said if she was lying she would have had a more thorough story. Of course democrats being ignoramuses fall for this and since all democrats are pathological liars even if they see through it will lie.
    The reason her story is so vague is because she knew better then to provide anything that could or might be provable. She is a con artist.


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