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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hillary Clinton’s attack on the Electoral College is only her latest act of desperation -- and denial

Last week on Twitter, Hillary Clinton issued a call to arms to her loyal supporters, telling them that progressives must “fight back” against the Republicans and stop the GOP’s assault on America’s democracy.

“The president is waging war on the truth. The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible. And then there's the breathtaking corruption.”

Clinton listed a slew of policies that Democrats should embrace to stop President Trump as well as shore up the electoral system. A few ideas were refreshingly non-partisan, like mandatory paper ballots to backup electronic voting machines.

But also in the mix was the return of a favorite punching bag for Clinton supporters: abolishing the Electoral College.



  1. Hillary, you don't know what truth is, from magical cattle futures to imaginary videos of imaginary foes incensed by a cartoon. This is the place in history (save your incarceration) that America should anw will remember you to. Some of us would call you rude names, but it's hardly necessary.

  2. hillary go and be a wife to your husband so he doesn't have to rape woman and ram cigars up the vagina of an intern.

  3. Here's a person who not is only not relevant, but confuses the higher end of Liberal thinking. She's become more than irrelevant, going to beyond the point of damaging to her alleged political party, which, in reality, she only uses in the worst of ways for her personal and the (highly paid) Globalist notion of Barack Obama's puppeteers. (Just think of the strings and it's easier to see.)

  4. 4:49 and 4:59 - Wonderful comments. Someone should invite you to a fine dinner.

  5. She's coming to the edge of where Soros will continue to pay her, hence the desperation.

  6. Hillary is just a husk. She's been removed from textbooks, but the lies of her should not be removed from memory as being dangers to our collective existence.

  7. When she dies of whatever cause, she'll be remembered for a single day. After that, nothing. She'll be moving on, alone.

  8. It's over hildabeast


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