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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hillary Clinton: GOP Will Appear to 'Insult' Kavanaugh Accuser if FBI Doesn't Investigate

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton defended the calls for an FBI investigation into the allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and stated the White House and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to put Ford “in the dock and try to rush this through.”

Hillary said, “I heard Kellyanne Conway say we shouldn’t be subjecting her to insult, and I think you can’t avoid the appearance of insult if you don’t have an investigation so that she is, you know, able to be evaluated fairly. And what I think the White House and the Republicans on the committee are trying to do is, you know, basically, put her in the dock and try to rush this through.”



  1. Hillary, you aren’t listening. The FBI Doesn’t investigate rapes, remember?

  2. Let's put "Former" in front of Hillary Clinton's name no matter what we're referring to her as, which, amazingly enough, is accurate to a T.

  3. FBI has already investigated him.. what...6 times regarding his nomination...they would investigate a FEDERAL crime, not a 35 year old allegation of a possible sexual assault that she can't remember when, where, and who was there.....so maybe they may up investigating HER if they find she has lied...

  4. Hillary, please STFU and go to hell where you belong.

  5. Just like they insulted us "deplorables" when they looked the other way for Hillary

  6. Just like you did Hillary with all the victims your husband raped??

  7. Bob Aswell....RealistSeptember 21, 2018 at 2:13 PM

    Damn Hillary Clinton. Her presidency would have resulted in the demise of the U.S.A. as we know it. I can't for the life of me find the reason that squalid old bitch has ANY voice on the media as screwed up as the Clinton saga played out in life.
    She's imbecilic, her husband a disgraced sexual predator, and her daughter is a liberal operative in training.
    Her, Bill, and Barrack should be deported and passports revoked once they're abroad.
    I'm afraid if God doesn't intervene the way of life we know and enjoy is doomed to extinction soon.
    Bob Aswell....Realist


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