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Friday, September 07, 2018

H20 Group Not Going Away And Planning On Causing Trouble For OC Residents


  1. It will be nice to see a car show actually driving at a sane speed for a change. No bets as what will happen later however. Punks will be punks.

  2. I thought you had that under control. You said
    OC did not want them and you were working on a better place foe the gathering of H20, Difn't that work out?

  3. Figure out some ways to make lots of money on the weekend, provide normal traffic enforcement and then have a nice trip to the bank afterwards. Embrace them and love them with all that a good parent and a crafty uncle can.

  4. Hopefully all their hotels and eats are in Fenwick. Then watch OC really sweat for all the money they are losing.

  5. It sounds to me like they are giving OC residents a free car show instead of them having to pay to get into the Civic center. I guess that's what they consider trouble. The entire letter stresses following the law so everyone needs to calm down.

  6. I understand if people are doing some really crazy stuff than you gotta say something to them but no wonder they don't wanna come back when o.c. sucks the fun out of everything and charge extravagant fines for minor infractions. Smh. The event was for crazy cars that look crazy and can do crazy stuff. The whole impounding cars because they look different and charging massive fines for little stuff is quite ridiculous!!! Hey you heathens it's not good enough that your not stealing and shooting dope, we don't want you to have any fun AT ALL!!!

  7. Believe this FAKE news when I don't see it. Blah blah blah!

  8. Where is your permit. Make it legal. Lol


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